I won't whine too much because unloading and stacking a pallet of pellets is faster and easier then 3 cords of wood. However, I will say I was beat after staking this pallet.
Thursday night D brought home a pallet of pellets. That's 50 bags that weigh 40 pounds each. He was sick Friday so I thought I'd help out and unload the truck and surprise him.
It took me 1 1/2 hours to stack these. Come on....remember I'm old. LOL! I took a break after every 10 bags or so. I actually didn't break a sweat until bag 40. I was tired but still plugging along. When bag 43 came along I was starting to struggle. At bag 47 it didn't matter if the bags weighed 40 pounds for 40,000 pounds, they were murder to get into the house and stack.
Thinking I was all done, last night (Sunday) D brought home another pallet of pellets. I didn't want them in the family room so we backed the truck up to the bedroom window and stacked them in the spa room.
We moved mom's sewing cabinet in front of the window and I hefted each bag through and set them inside for D to move to the spa room. See me struggle a bit?
See him pick it up like it's a pillow? Arghhhh! When he started picking them up two at a time I told him to knock it off.
We did have one little issue. I wasn't born nice and tall like my daughter. I tried putting the bags through the window but couldn't get them high enough. D got a couple of blocks of wood and they were just tall enough to put me chest high with the bottom of the window.
I think my stack in the family room looks much more professional. But I'm not gonna complain because it took the two of us about 20 minutes to unload and stack these. Nope....I'm not gonna complain.
The only problem I'm having now is my back is killing me. I hurt it stacking the first 50 bags Friday. I don't know why I thought I could do these and not hurt it again. It's verrrrrryyyy painful. I can't sit, stand or lay down. I was a good consumer about a week or so ago and went through all the meds and got rid of all the pills we hadn't used in a year.
Boy am I regretting tossing the Vicodin. DUH! The Tylenol I've been popping today isn't doing a darn thing. I guess the upside is, I have a doctors appointment Wednesday so if it doesn't get better he can give me a muscle relaxer.
For now, I'm running a nice hot bath with my bath therapy stuff in it. The tub just can't fill fast enough for my taste.